Abstract Deadline: June 1, 2021

Abstract Deadline: June 1, 2021

SAVE THE DATE: The 32nd International Symposium on the Autonomic Nervous System will be November 3-6, 2021 in Maui, Hawaii. Details are on the website.

We hope that everyone will make plans to attend in person – we all need to see each other in person and continue to grow the autonomic community.  However, we recognize that COVID is still an unpredictable entity so there will be virtual content available for registrants who cannot attend in person and we are monitoring the COVID situation closely to ensure that our meeting is also safe.

ABSTRACT DEADLINE APPROACHING: The deadline to submit abstracts for the annual meeting is June 1. Please submit an abstract if you plan to attend the meeting, even if you are unsure of your travel plans for November due to COVID.

We will make sure there are accommodations if COVID restrictions are still causing limitations in November. Abstract submission is FREE, but submission of an abstract is a commitment by the presenting author to register for the meeting and present the abstract if it is accepted.

Details on abstract submission may be found here.

Warm regards,

Steve Vernino, MD, PhD
President, American Autonomic Society