Message from AAS President (June 2021)

Message from AAS President (June 2021)

Dear AAS members and friends,

Plans are moving along nicely for the 2021 AAS International Symposium on the Autonomic nervous system for November 3-6 in Maui, Hawaii.

Hawaii continues to remove travel restrictions, anticipating no restrictions by the end of summer.

We have received 140 scientific abstract submissions and have a great meeting planned (including virtual content for those who can’t come in person).  Registration is open.  Notification of abstract acceptances will be going out in early August.


Please make a note of the following upcoming deadlines:

Nominations for the Felecia Axelrod Investigator Award, Deadline August 1, 2021

Nominations for FAAS (Fellow of American Autonomic Society), Deadline August 1, 2021

Call for Clinical Cases for the Ultimate Autonomic Challenge, Deadline August 1, 2021.  See below

Late breaking science abstracts, Deadline September 1, 2021.  We will accept a limited number of late abstracts representing truly high impact, late-breaking science.  Late breaking abstract submission will open in August and end September 1, 2021.


The American Autonomic Society is calling for your participation in the 2021 Ultimate Autonomic Challenge.  The fourth UAC will take place during the American Autonomic Society meeting in Maui on November 3, 2021, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. A faculty expert panel will host a live discussion of four challenging clinical cases. The clinical cases should address complex autonomic medicine disorder diagnosis and management dilemmas. The presenters will use an internet-based Audience Response System (ARS) to engage and interact with the audience in real-time.


Please submit your case to be considered for review and presentation during the 2021 American Autonomic Society Meeting, please send a case summary (up to 800 words) including title, presenter, and institution.  In addition, please answer these 4 questions separate from the case summary. 

  1. Is this a diagnosis challenge (Y/N)?
  2. Is this a therapeutic challenge (Y/N)?
  3. What makes this case unique?
  4. What is the final diagnosis (if known). Please DO NOT include the diagnosis in the case summary.


Please send the case summary and other information via email directly to Amber Millen, AAS Executive Director, at The deadline for case submissions is August 1, 2021


Thank you all for your interest in the autonomic nervous system and the AAS.

Hope to see you in Maui in November


Steven Vernino MD PhD

Profesor of Neurology

UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX

President, American Autonomic Society