AAS 2022 Meeting Update and UCNS Exam Review Course

AAS 2022 Meeting Update and UCNS Exam Review Course

2022 Annual Meeting 

  • Plans for the November meeting in Maui, Hawaii are in full swing.  We have a great science program planned and a record 185 scientific abstracts have been received (abstract notifications will be sent in the coming weeks).
  • Registration, hotel reservation and more information is available on the AAS website.
  • We are watching COVID activity closely but we are fully committed to a live meeting in November and will follow local travel guidance and requirements in Hawaii.
  • September 1 is the deadline for late-breaking science abstracts (high impact new data only). Submit late-breaking abstracts here.
  • We are looking for interesting and challenging autonomic cases for the “Ultimate Autonomic Challenge”.  If you have an interesting case, please watch for submission instructions or contact Dr. Juan Guzman directly (guzmanjc@mcmaster.ca).
  • September 1 is also the deadline to submit applications for the AAS’ Felicia Axelrod Investigator Award and for Fellows of AAS (FAAS).

2022 UCNS Board Exam Course 

  • Dr. Dave Goldstein and faculty will be offering the UCNS Autonomic Board Review course (free for AAS members). This will consist of Sunday virtual sessions for the next few months and culminating with an evening session in Maui on Tuesday, November 1.
  • The first session is planned for 2:00-3:30 PM East Coast time on this Sunday, August 7th.
  • Interested attendees can email goldsteind@ninds.nih.gov directly, to get the zoom meeting invite.

And enhancements to the AAS website continue.  A new “members only” section of the website is coming soon which will include exclusive educational materials, a member directory and more.