Author: AAS Executive Director

Dear AAS Members, We would like your input on future development of education resources by and for the Society. Please take two minutes and fill out the following survey: Thank you, The AAS Education Committee...

$600,000 in Research Grants Available Letter of Intent Deadline: May 15, 2021   Dysautonomia International is pleased to announce the availability of $600,000 in research grants during our 2021 grant cycle. Up to $500,000 is available from our POTS Research Fund and up to $100,000 is available from our Dysautonomia...

Dear AAS Members and friends, I am pleased to provide this Spring 2021 update to highlight activities of the American Autonomic Society and autonomic community.   The AAS website gets a major makeover. Our new website goes live on April 20, 2021! We have upgraded our website to a...

The National Institutes of Health recently announced a new Notice of Special Interest focused on stimulating Research on the Diagnosis, Treatment, and Mechanistic Understanding of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS).   Click here for more information:   Suggested research examples include, but are not limited to: Studies to understand...

The AAS Trainee Committee is pleased to announce their first virtual Mentor-Mentee event, wherein Trainees have the opportunity to network with other trainees and prominent researchers/clinicians in their field. The event is scheduled for May 7th, 2021 at 10-11:30 am PST.  During this event, trainees will have...

Announcement of Upcoming 7th International Congress of Multiple System Atrophy After suspending the 7th International Congress of Multiple System Atrophy originally scheduled on March 20-21, 2020, organizers have been carefully watching the pandemic status of COVID-19 in the world to explore the possibility of having the...

Dear AAS Members, I wanted to provide an update on the activities of the American Autonomic Society and encourage you to get more involved over the next year.  Many thanks to Past-President Dr. Satish Raj for his leadership over the past two years and for guiding...

Dear AAS members, With sadness, we acknowledge the passing of Dr. David Kem due to complications of COVID. David was the George Lynn Cross Research Professor and Regents Professor of Medicine at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in the section of Endocrinology and Diabetes....