21 May The Lauren Marsillio-Craney Annual Lectureship
The Lauren Marsillio-Craney Annual Lectureship in Pediatric Critical Care Data Science or Autonomic Medicine
Lauren Elizabeth Marsillio-Craney MD, MS was a distinguished faculty member in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine. Dr. Marsillio’s research applied data science and predictive analytics to anticipate, better understand, and treat critically ill children. Dr. Marsillio had deep appreciation for her mentors and was a talented and wonderful mentor to others. This symposium aims to honor her legacy by supporting and elevating the work of junior investigators in data science and autonomic medicine in pediatric critical care medicine and related fields.
What: Annual lecture and scholarship to highlight and support the work of junior faculty and trainees in pediatric critical care medicine and related fields who have a scholarly focus on data science or autonomic medicine and to honor the inspiring life mission, vision and accomplishments of Dr. Marsillio.
Where: Hosted by the Divisions of Critical Care Medicine, Data Analytics and Reporting, and Autonomic Medicine at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
When: Virtual inaugural event September 24, 2021.
Who: Junior faculty (assistant rank or earlier), fellows, doctoral students, and other trainees (including in nursing, pharmacy and allied health fields) in pediatric critical care medicine and related pediatric fields (neurology, neurocritical care, cardiac critical care, neonatology, anesthesiology, autonomic medicine, etc.) will be invited to submit an abstract of their in-progress or recently completed scholarly work in data science and/or autonomic medicine (e.g. machine learning/artificial intelligence, Big Data, large database mining, physiologic waveform analysis, etc.). The awardee will be the keynote presenter of the symposium, will receive a prize in the form of a scholarship to support their ongoing research, and will be invited to participate in the selection of the awardee the following year.
How to apply: Interested applicants should prepare and submit the following materials
- Nomination letter/letter of support from mentor which specifically speaks to
- The potential for this award to advance the nominee’s career development
- The nominee’s readiness for a national Grand Rounds presentation
- What is significant about the candidate’s contributions to the field (published or works in progress)
- Applicant provided materials
- Biosketch in NIH format, which includes the following
- Personal statement that describes mentors/career aims/how this award fits in with the applicant’s career developing and what would receiving the award mean
- Previous presentations/publications
- Research summary/statement (1-2 pages single spaced)
- One representative publication (accepted for publication or published)
- Biosketch in NIH format, which includes the following
Materials may be submitted at: Lauren Marsillio-Craney Application. Applications will be reviewed and select applicants will be invited to interview with the selection committee.
Individuals wishing to contribute to support for this symposium in honor of Dr. Marsillio, may do so at: https://www.luriechildrens.org/marsillio.