a) A copy of your submitted abstract(s)
b) Confirmation of your training status – a letter written by your mentor (students and post-docs) or department chair (residents or junior faculty) on departmental letterhead confirming your training status.
c) Please submit as a single PDF
*Individuals must be a current AAS Trainee Member to be eligible to receive a trainee award.*
Trainee abstracts are judged on the following:
All trainee members with abstract submissions are eligible for an in-person poster presentation competition held Wednesday, Nov 2.
Poster presentations will be rated by panel of senior investigator judges on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest. Poster ratings will be based on scientific content, originality of study design, scientific relevance and quality of presentation. Trainees who present abstracts earning the highest scores will will be notified at the end of each poster presentation day.
The top 4 trainee poster presentations will be selected to give a 5-min lightning platform presentation summary of their work at a designated platform session held Saturday, Nov 5.
Please submit to Amber Millen: amber@americanautonomicsociety.org
Investigators active in any area of autonomic research that has made an important contribution to the field. Candidates include PhDs and/or MDs.
Academic rank of Assistant Professor or a comparable position at an academic institution or in the industry (e.g. Scientist, Research Investigator, etc.).
Applicant must be a member of the AAS in good standing.
Previous winners of the Axelrod Award are not eligible to re-enter the competition in subsequent years.
There are no citizenship requirements.
The AAS Membership Committee will judge applications based on the applicant’s Biosketch, submitted research statement, and overall contributions to autonomic research.
The following items must be submitted for consideration for this award:
NIH Biosketch or similar brief biographical document (5-page limit)
Brief personal statement including a description of the current and pending research program (1-page limit statement of purpose)
A maximum of 3 reprints either as first or corresponding/senior author
Two letters of recommendation detailing overall contributions of the applicant to the field of autonomic research
The awardee will receive the following:
Complimentary registration to the AAS meeting.
A plaque commemorating the award and a $2,000 honorarium at the AAS meeting.
Invited submission of a review article for Clinical Autonomic Research by June 1st following the meeting.
A brief presentation of research at the AAS Meeting
Please submit to Amber Millen: amber@americanautonomicsociety.org