25 May Abstract Deadline Extension and Update on 2021 Annual Meeting
Dear AAS members and friends,
Here is the latest update on plans for the 2021 American Autonomic Society annual meeting.
The 2021 AAS meeting will be a live event with a virtual component.
We encourage everyone to attend the meeting and to submit abstracts of their work to the meeting even if you are unsure about your ability to travel in November.
The abstract submission is open and we are extending the deadline for abstract submission to June 7
Click here to go to the abstract submission site
See below for a more detailed update on plans for the meeting and virtual options.
The AAS Board of Directors and the meeting planning committee continue to monitor the COVID situation.
We continue to see a decline in cases in the United States and the CDC has accordingly eased the recommendations on masks and travel. Most of the US academic centers are now (or are planning to) allow travel for academic conferences in 2021. Based on this information, we expect to host a successful live 2021 conference in Maui in early November. AAS members, and other attendees, from the United States should be free to travel in November.
A major benefit of the annual AAS meeting is the personal face-to-face interactions between attendees and the networking and collaboration that results beyond the official science program.
Israel, Canada and Chile have given at least 1 dose of vaccine to >50% of their population, with Germany and Italy not far behind. We are very hopeful that over the coming months, many countries will see the dramatic drop in cases and continued success in vaccination (as we are seeing in the United States). We expect that most or all will be able to travel to attend the AAS meeting without restrictions. Many non-US academic centers have not yet made decisions about travel restrictions beyond September.
We are also monitoring travel restrictions required by the state of Hawai’i. Currently, travel to Hawai’i requires proof of negative COVID testing, but these travel requirements will likely be removed in July 2021.
At this time, we are using the following principles with respect to the meeting and for accommodating the virtual participation of attendees who cannot attend in person due to travel restrictions.
We encourage everyone to participate in the meeting as much as they are able.
- The 2021 AAS meeting will be a live event
- There will be virtual content and CME credit for those who cannot attend in person (due to personal health concerns or due to national or institutional restrictions that ban their travel). This will include recordings of lectures and virtual viewing of posters
- Registration fees are the same for live and virtual content, as listed on the meeting website, so you can register without making a decision about travel to Hawaii at this time
- We expect that speakers who are selected for platform presentations will deliver those presentations in person. However, we will have a virtual poster session for abstracts from virtual attendees. So, please submit your abstracts (there is no abstract submission fee)
- We will continue to provide regular updates on our plans which will always be focused on delivering the best program to as many participants as possible.
Thank you for your dedication to the AAS and your understanding. Please reach out to me or Amber (amber@americanautonomicsociety.org) if you have questions about this plan for the meeting.
Steve Vernino MD PhD
President, American Autonomic Society