28 May AAS abstract submission – Deadline extended to June 15, 2022
Dear AAS members and friends,Abstract Submission. Meeting registration is now open as well. Please check out the AAS website for all the details and links to registration, hotel information and abstract submission.
The AAS has been hard at work planning a fantastic annual meeting, the 33rd International Symposium on the Autonomic Nervous System, in Maui, Hawaii, November 2-5, 2022. To give you a little more time for submission, the abstract submission deadline has been extended to June 15. This will be the final deadline for submission so send your abstracts as soon as you can. We look forward to seeing your contributions. Click here for theClick here for full meeting information and links. We have also extended the final deadline to submit applications for Fellows of the American Autonomic Society (FAAS) as well as the AAS Felicia Axelrod Investigator Award to September 1. Best wishes to you from the AAS Board, Steven Vernino MD PhD President, American Autonomic Society AAS Abstract Submissions: Submission of an abstract to #AAS2022 is FREE and selected abstracts will be published in a special edition of Clinical Autonomic Research. Guidelines for submission can be found here. During the submission process, you will have the opportunity to select your preferred presentation method: Oral Platform and/or Poster. Others will have the opportunity to present their Poster, answer questions, and interact with attendees.
Submission of an abstract to #AAS2022 is a commitment on the part of the presenting author to participate in the meeting and present the abstract if it is accepted for presentation. If you have trouble submitting your abstract, please contact Amber at